An exhibition of ceramic art works by leading figures in Chinese ceramics was launched in Wuzhishan
2023-09-01 来源:Hainan Daily

On April 16, the "Ceramic Art Exhibition of Leading Figures of Chinese Ceramics" was held in Yatai Porcelain Art Museum, Yatai Rainforest Hotel, Wuzhishan City. The exhibition, which will last until May 30, features more than 50 exquisite ceramic artworks by four artists.

Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province, is renowned in the world as the capital of porcelain for thousands of years. The ceramics produced here not only have profound historical and cultural accumulation, but also show high ceramic making skills. The main exhibits of this exhibition are Guo Wenlian, a leading Chinese ceramic artist in Jingdezhen, Shu Huijuan, a master of Chinese ceramic art, and Guo Qimei and Liu Peng, scholars in universities specializing in ceramic art.

In ceramic art, Guo Wenlian pursues changeful and innovative. In this exhibition, he has brought works such as "Baby Play", "Children's Fun" and "Happiness and Longevity Come" to show the charm of ancient Chinese high culture. Shu Huijuan is good at painting beautiful women. Her unique personal ceramic works, such as "Looking for the fragrance of spring on the grass" and "Two cold beautiful women", appeared in this exhibition.

Guo Qimei and Liu Peng, based on Jingdezhen's traditional ceramic art, actively absorb and learn from foreign modern art concepts, ceramic art forms and materials are full of distinct personal styles. The ceramic works they brought this time show the characteristics of Jingdezhen's continuous exploration and progress in ceramic art. (Hainan Daily reporter Xie Kai, correspondent Gu Li)