Gregorio Peño Velasco 是一位有着家族传统的西班牙艺术家,他将他与粘土及其方法融合在一起。 毕业于马德里艺术陶瓷艺术与设计专业(2004-2007),他曾获得很多不同类型奖学金和奖项,包括:新北莺歌陶瓷博物馆驻留奖学金(台湾,2017);西班牙艺术评论家协会(AICA,西班牙)颁发的西班牙艺术家在 ARCO Madrid 2015 的最佳作品奖;入选京农基国际陶瓷双年展特展“Hot Rookies”(韩国,2013);2012 年在法国瓦洛里斯 举办的第 XXII 届国际当代陶瓷双年展最佳青年特别奖(法国,2012 年)等。
Gregorio Peño Velasco is a Spanish artist who has a long family tradition. Graduated in Fine Arts and Design in Artistic Ceramics in Madrid (2004-2007), he has obtained different scholarships and awards, including: Residency scholarship at New Taipei Yingge Ceramics Museum (Taiwan, 2017); Award from the Spanish Association of Art Critics (AICA, Spain) for the best work or group of works by a Spanish artist at ARCO Madrid 2015; Selected for the special exhibition “Hot Rookies” of the Gyenonggi International Ceramic Biennale (South Korea, 2013); Best Young Special Award at the XXII International Biennial of Contemporary Ceramics in Vallauris (France, 2012) among others.
坍塌 IV Colapso IV
凹槽 Surcos
盛开 Floración
坍塌I Colapso I
坍塌II Colapso II
坍塌III Colapso III
屠宰形式 Formas Abatidas
无标题 Untitled