Danny Kaplan -- American ceramic artist


Danny Kaplan出生于美国纽约,在法国的普罗旺斯艾克斯长大,他早年接触了该地区的传统陶器,从而形成了他对陶瓷的热情。他参观了当地的花店和古董市场,亲身感受到了高贵和卑微的并存之美。现在对于来自皇后区的Kaplan来说,尽管他的灵感仍然来自于童年的色彩和纹理,但他的作品却始终追求美感与实用性的完美结合。

Born in New York City and raised in Aix-en-Provence, France, Danny Kaplan’s passion for ceramics was shaped by early exposure to the traditional pottery of the region.Visits to the local‘brocante’and antique markets showed him firsthand that the elevated and the humble sit beautifully side by side.Now, for Queen’s-based Kaplan, though still inspired by the colors and textures of his childhood, it’s a relentless search for the quintessential blend of beauty and utility that drives his work.

Danny Kaplan曾在纽约新学院和帕森斯设计学院学习创意写作、艺术史和美术。正是这一点,加上对他年轻时去过的农贸市场的生动色彩和纹理的回忆,激发了他作为道具造型师的工作,并在后来发展了他自己的台灯和独一无二的容器系列。

Danny Kaplan went on to study creative writing, art history and fine art at The New School and Parsons School of Design, New York. It was this, combined with remembrances of the vivid colors and textures of farmers markets visited throughout his youth, that first inspired his work as a prop stylist and later to developing his own collections of table lamps and one-of-a-kind vessels.

对车轮投掷和手工制作方法的探索,以及丰富的触觉釉料,使Danny Kaplan能够创造出独特的雕塑作品,供日常使用。Danny Kaplan利用传统技术创造当代陶瓷,纽约州北部的木材烧制丰富了他的产品,使其具有明确的深度和魔力。

Explorations into the wheel-thrown and handbuilt methods, and rich, tactile glazes allow Danny Kaplan to create unique, sculptural pieces intended for everyday use.Danny Kaplan Using traditional techniques to create contemporary ceramics, wood firings in Upstate New York enrich his wares with an unmistakable depth and magic.