Jo Roets x 艺术 | 粘土的多样性


Jo Roets是一位充满激情的雕塑家、画家和模具制造商。艺术一直是Jo Roets生活的中心主题,艺术实践与她的教育和职业生涯交织在一起。她的作品目前在南非、西班牙和英国的多个本地与国际画廊展出。一些作品上的裂缝和雕刻代表了甲骨文的古老语言及其与预言的关系,而一些作品上的金箔则是对金杉(Kintsugi)的致敬,金杉是一种日本用黄金修补破碎陶器的艺术。

Jo Roets is a passionate sculptor, painter and mould maker. Art has always been a central theme in Jo's life and art practises are interwoven in her education and professional careers. She is currently exhibiting at various local and international galleries in South Africa, Spain and UK. Cracks and engravings on some works represent the ancient language of oracle bones and their relation to predictions, while the gold leaf on some works gives a nod to Kintsugi, the Japanese art of mending broken pottery with gold.

Jo Roets的雕塑探索了概念,并寻找与自我、人性、自然以及与精神世界的联系。这些作品触及了人与人之间联系的需求,以及在缺乏联系时对联系的深切渴望。她称自己的粘土艺术品为“轻浮雕”。这些作品由风干的粘土介质制成,将其擀成薄如纸的薄片,以形成精致的bass relief浮雕。然后用牙签和针等不寻常的工具雕刻出凹痕、洞和切口。

Jo Roets sculptures explore the concept and search for a connection to self, humanity, nature, and a connection to a spiritual world. The works touch on the need to be connected and the deep yearning search for connection when it is lacking. She calls her clay artworks 'light relief sculptures'. They are created from an air-drying clay medium which is rolled out until paper thin to create a delicate bass relief sculpture. Using unusual sculpting tools such as toothpicks and needles, the damp surface of the clay is scored with indents, holes and incisions.

Jo Roets的标志性作品是复杂精致的泥塑,采用独特的图案和形状,灵感来自众多视觉和象征意义丰富的南非本土文化。她的主要目标是颂扬多样性中的相似性。Jo Roets的作品展现出错综复杂的细节,图案和无序的复杂组合,创造出一种看似不同的独特性,然而,从整体上看,每一件作品都有一种平静的熟悉感,一种对已知的、深思熟虑的内在事物的认可。她的作品源于一种深刻的认识,即尽管我们的处境不同,但本质上我们都拥有共同的人性。

Jo Roets’s signature, intricate and delicate clay sculptures use distinctive patterns and shapes inspired by the numerous visually and symbolically rich indigenous South African cultures. Her key objective is to celebrate the similarities found in diversity. Jo Roets's works exhibit intricate details with complex combinations of pattern and disorder to create a seemingly divergent uniqueness, yet, viewed holistically, each has a calming familiarity, a recognition of something intrinsically known and deliberate. Her work is born from a profound recognition that although our circumstances differ, essentially we all share a common humanity.
